The Railway Police Bureau was originated as Railway Police Brigade in 1945. In 1946, it was renamed as Police Administration Office, under the supervision of Taiwan Railway Management Commission. In October, 1949, it was renamed “Taiwan Railroad Police Bureau”, subordinate to Taiwan Provincial Police Administration and also supervised by Taiwan Rail Bureau. As of July 1st, 1999, it began to be under the supervision of National Police Agency, Ministry of the Interior and took charge of railway police affairs and law enforcement.
Our mission is to ensure safety and security of passengers, staff, trains, stations, bridges, tunnels and all the infrastructures belong to Railway Administration. 。 The jurisdiction of railway covers1118 km rail tracks, 241 stations, 419 railway crossings, and 133 tunnels. 。 The length of high speed railway is 345 km, including 250 km bridge.; there are 12 stations along the H.S.R.
Organizational Structure:
There are one Commissioner, one Deputy Commissioner, and one Chief Secretary, supervising the administrative operation such as of General Affairs Section, Public Order Section, Training Section, Logistics Section, Secretariat, Public Security Office, Inspectors Office, Personnel Office, Accounting Office, Command and Control Center and Information Management Office. As to the field operation, there are 4 police precincts, 13 police substations, 21 police stations, Criminal Investigation Brigade and On-the-train Security Brigade.