What are the hours of operation at the Railway Police Bureau?
The Office Hours are from 08:30a.m. to 05:30p.m.
Who do I call to make a report related to railway?
To report an in-progress or life threatening emergency, please call 110 and tell the operator where you are and what’s happening. The command center will respond to your report immediately.
How do I deal with telephone fraud/scam?
If you receive any suspicious phone calls or text messages requesting you to deposit or wire an amount of money to certain account, please calm down and stop following their order. It must be a phone scam. You need to call hotline165 to report your case right away.
Is trespassing on railway a violation of law?
Even if you are lucky enough to get in and out of the rail yard without injuries you could still end up facing serious consequences. Railway police patrol rail yards, tracks, bridges, tunnels and other properties looking for people who disobey the law. Trespassing on railway property is against the Railway Law and can get you a fine of up to $10, 000.
What is an ARC? Where may I apply for or renew my ARC?
The ARC stands for Alien Residence Certificate. Foreigners holding a resident visa must apply for an ARC within 15 days of arrival at local Service Center of National Immigration Agency. The 10-digit ID number on the ARC may be used for bank account, National Health Insurance card, driver's license and so on. Foreign residents who would like to extend their ARC should also apply at local Service Center of National Immigration Agency with required documents within 15 days before the expiry date. Foreign residents who overstay the valid period of the ARC should pay appropriate fines at the local Service Center and then depart ROC.
For more information concerning the ARC, please contact the NIA
Tel: (02)2388-9393
How to deal with domestic violence or sexual assault?
Domestic violence is not a family affair. It is a crime. Everyone has the responsibility for preventing it from happening and assisting the victims. The most effective way is to call the police at 110 and have the nearby police officers arrive the scene, or phone the 24-hour National Women and Children Protection Hotline "113" for help. The 113 hot line provides operators or volunteers who can speak Mandarin and five other languages, including English, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Thai and Cambodian.
What documents are required to apply for assemblies or parades?
- Assembly and parade application form.
- Agent agreement form.
- Picket name list.
- Assembly ground agreement form.
- A route map must be attached in the case of parades.
How do I pay the fine for traffic violation?
Tickets issued by officers on the spot may be paid through Internet, post office or commissioned agencies if the due date for payment has not passed and payment options on the upper left of the ticket are ticked. If the due date has expired, payment can not be made through commissioned financial institutions, with the exception of post offices.
If violators' driving licenses and/or vehicle registrations are seized, or if violators cause accidents, violators must go to the designated place (motor vehicle supervision offices) to pay for the ticket.
For tickets issued by mail, penalties may be paid via Internet, post or commissioned agency (appointed convenience stores). However, appointed convenience stores do not accept payment for tickets issued by policemen on the spot.
How can a foreigner get more information about living in Taiwan?
To help foreigners adapt to the local living environment and promote the quality of their life in Taiwan, our government offer all the information for foreigners at
National Immigration Agency Republic of China(Taiwan). Please check the FAQ section and search for the information you need. Or send an e-mail to the relevant government agencies to request for other information. Or call the Service Hotline (0800-024-111) to get direct service.